Monday, July 27, 2009

Support the production of "Enemy Alien"

Support Konrad Aderer's production of "Enemy Alien." and get a discount on DVDs. When you use coupon code: KONRAD upon checkout at Progressive Films, you'll get 10% off any size order and an additional 10% of the purchase will be sent to the completion fund for "Enemy Alien"

To browse DVD titles, visit

"Enemy Alien":
The dramatic, intimate story of the two-year struggle to free Palestinian activist Farouk Abdel-Muhti, who was detained in a post-9/11 roundup of Muslim immigrants, told from the perspective of a young Japanese filmmaker born to a family interned during World War II. This intimate, revelatory film takes on profound personal and historical implications as Farouk, his son and the filmmaker each pay a personal price for resisting wartime policies.

For more information about the documentary visit

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Summer DVD Sale: 15% off ALL ITEMS!

Progressive Films is offering a special 15% discount on all titles!

This offer applies for both individual and institutional prices.

From now through the end of August, when you choose one or more items through the online store, you can receive 15% off of the entire purchase.

Just enter the code SUMMER into the "Redemption Code" box upon step 2 of the checkout and your 15% discount will be automatically applied.

"SUMMER" Sale is good for all items in the store and ends on August 31st.

Shipping is still FREE!

Click Here to visit Progressive Films

Friday, July 3, 2009

All Present in the Universe of Guns

Kari Ann Owen, a Ph.D. level scholar in religion, theology and literature, writer of conscience and poet, recently shared a video poem with us. "All Present in the Universe of Guns," while created as a message to President Bush, reminds us to stay vigilant in the pursuit of nuclear disarmament.

Her article, "Facing Nuclear War" can be found at